ESpiritual: On 5th Navratri Learn Detached Attachment and to Control One’s Ego


Dr KK Aggarwal    24 September 2017

Skanda Mata is worshipped on the fifth Day of Navratri. SHE is holding her son ‘Skanda or Kartikeya’ on her lap.

SHE has three eyes and four hands. Two hands hold lotuses while the other two hands respectively display defending and granting gestures. SHE is the ocean of knowledge. SHE rides on a lion.

In Yoga Shastra, SHE represents the Vishuddha chakra and HAM bija mantra. SHE also dignifies motherhood, fertility and mother child relationship.

Skandaa means the one with six heads corresponding to the five senses and the mind. Or the one who has control over the six demonic vices: krodha (anger), lobha (greed), kaama (lust), moha (passion), mada (ego) and matsarya (jealousy).

Kartikeya carries a spear in one hand and his other hand is always blessing devotees. His vehicle is a peacock, a pious bird that grips with its feet a serpent, which symbolizes the ego and desires of people. The peacock represents the destroyer of harmful habits and the conqueror of sensual desires.

Spiritual mantra on the 5th Navratri: One should learn detached attachment as the main principle of spirituality.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this write up are entirely my own.

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